Salutations // Dwell Richly // Email Etiquette

I need a new salutation to close my emails.

Most of the time I write "Thanks!!" at the end of an email. Does that mean I'm simply thanking the reader for reading the [most likely] entirely long email I just sent? I want something fresh and challenging. Unique and purposeful. Bold and beautiful. 

After learning some Google tips from my friend Emily, I hit up the search engine looking for the best salutations. Normal ones include Best, Sincerely, Regards, Respectfully, and Cheers. The crazy ones (which are also my favorite) include Later Vader, Gotta Boogie, Onward and Outward, and Rock On. A lady that I dearly love and respect ends her emails with Blessings. 

This morning I tested out Dwell Richly which derives from Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." I think it's a winner! 

I've been uber inspired by my sister-in-law Jackie who has been creating some AMAZING calligraphic wording lately. I bought some new nibs and ink, and I've been practicing every day. Not perfect yet but I'm improving! Nib: Hunt 99 // Ink: Yasutomo Traditional Chinese Ink

What do you use as a salutation? Do you keep it professional or fun?