It's Our Fifth [Engagement] Anniversary!

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the sweetest, most joyful proposal I've ever experienced. I'm pretty sure I write about it every year but I just can't help myself. Maybe it's weird for me to post about it but five years is a big deal, right? While I write for our readers, I also write for myself, for my own documentation of seeing where we once were and how far we've come. 

I woke up this morning, turned to JD and said, "Happy 5-year engagement anniversary!! I'm so glad I said Yes!"

JD: But you didn't say "yes". 

This conversation happens every year. And I love it. I didn't say "yes" because I was giggling, crying and in shock. I'm also convinced that I did, indeed, say "yes" but JD couldn't hear me over my screaming sorority sisters. Regardless, we are now married and it was such a sweet, sweet evening. 


My favorite part of the night was the actual proposal, the deeply thought out words he spoke to me. We had / have no idea what God has in store for us. But to see how He's reflected these things in our marriage just over the past four and a half years has been overwhelming. Without the grace God has continued to show us, we're convinced that we would not be able to live such an intentional, enjoyable and deeply woven marriage. He has allowed us to dance wildly, sing loudly, cook (somewhat) deliciously, travel endlessly, laugh uncontrollably and love without restraints. Words cannot express how thankful we are for that.

You have rocked my world and stolen my heart

I want to spend the next 50 years and the next 50 after that

Dancing, singing, cooking, traveling, laughing and loving with you


Thank you for continuing to rock my world and daily steal my heart, JD Todd. 


[can't get enough? check out the entire proposal story here]