
Happy THIRTIETH birthday to this handsome guy:

Handsome Man

Your hunger for adventure is enthralling and captivating. With everything you do, you work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Because of that, countless men and women are continuously blessed by what the Lord does in and through you. Your laughter is joyous and resounding. I seriously can't get enough of it. You have the 'humble confidence' thing down to a tee. You challenge me on a daily basis: to think more analytically, to articulate my beliefs and opinions more clearly and to strive for success more wholeheartedly. You're silly, mysterious, unpredictable and I love communicating with you via our secret languages. 

When I asked you about your thoughts on turning thirty and about all of your successes in life leading up to it, you said, "All of my greatest accomplishments in life are only by grace." 

It is an honor to be your bride. It is a joy to love you and to follow you as you follow Christ in building our family. 

Chalkboard via Jitney's Journeys

I love living life with you, J.D. Todd.

P.S. We're well on our way to completing our dining room feature wall! Only a few more frames to build then we'll post the whole process / finished product. Thanks for spending the last day of your 29th year helping me to build this, lovey.