Jitney Life Update 1

If you're following along with the Scripture Memory / Dwell Richly printable, here's the verse for week 10: 

The Lord will watch over your coming & going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8 (NIV)

It's been a while since I've written an update about our lives... so hold onto your seat. Here's the skinny on what's been happening around the Todd Nest the past three weeks (broken up into two posts).

We began constructing a massive chalkboard onto our dining room wall... 

And we finished it just in time for JD's surprise birthday party! JD turned the big 3-0 in February. How did I pull off the surprise? I spoiled all of the little surprises I had for him leading up to the big surprise. I also had lots of friends helping out along the way (i.e. my neighbor Elizabeth who let / helped me cook everything at her house during the ice storm the day before, Julie for making sure the guys got together so that a group of friends could help me set up the party in the house)! 

Birthday Chalkboard via Jitney's Journeys
Birthday Cake

Unfortunately, the cake was pink but he LOVES Newk's strawberry cake. I couldn't resist. At least I could top it with a few black mustaches to give it some manlihood? We also had a few stacks of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle rub-on tats that the kids were loving (thanks for this recommendation, Katy Jo).

Then we had the snow storm one week later. Huntsville shut down, per the usual. Before you tell us that we're crazy, let me suggest that our town is simply not equipped with the types of machines, cars or tires to drive in the snow that then quickly turns into ice. It was easier to drive around in the 4 feet of snow in Japan than it is to drive in six inches of snow / ice in Huntsville. All that to say, JD and I put on our snow boots, trekked through the trails on the 'mountain' and came back home to hang out with the neighbors later that evening. 

Snow Fashion via Jitney's Journeys

A few neighbors came over and sat with us by the fireplace, hot cocoas in hand, while the kids were secretly building us this snowman (this came after the boys threw snowballs at our windows - all in good fun, right?). 

Then we woke up the next morning and hit the golf course slopes for some sledding...

A couple of weekends ago, JD and I had the opportunity to sell merchandise at the CORE15 youth conference at Summit Crossing. Casey Darnell led worship for the weekend then KB had a concert Saturday night. 

Basically, the concert was super intense and so much fun. Imagine JD, myself, Katy Jo and Matt (all pictured above) jumping up and down, pumping our fists and having a great time... The day after, we learned that we just can't keep up with high schoolers anymore (at least KJ and me can't). We're old and walked around in pain for about three days after that. 

Tune back in Thursday for the rest of the update...