Craniosynostosis // Blood Transfusion + Leading Up to Surgery

If you're following along with the 2017 Scripture Memory / Dwell Richly printable, here's the verse for week 7:

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Blood Transfusion

The main risk for the traditional surgery is blood loss. The hospital staff informed us that we would be able to directly donate our blood just in case Mia Kai needed a blood transfusion. Countless people offered to donate directly but they set a maximum limit of four donors, preferably blood relatives. The directed blood donations are performed via American Red Cross. According to the information they gave us from the American Red Cross: "Parents are given the option to do directed donations for blood for their child's craniofacial surgery. It is highly recommended that mom and/or dad should be the only donors for children under 1 year of age." All donors are required to know their blood types before donating. Be sure to know your baby's blood type as well, so that you can make sure everyone has a match that will be donating. Everyone in our family wanted to donate but several family members had things that prevented them from being able to do so (previous illnesses, anemia, pregnancy, etc.). Two weeks prior to surgery, JD donated plasma then Chase (my brother), Sonya (my aunt) and myself donated blood. Somehow they are able to separate the plasma from the blood they would be transfusing. We are so grateful for the ones who offered to donate blood and to those who were able to! 



JUNE 25, 2016

...and then there are the moments when the waves of emotions come in unexpectedly at full force. Like when I'm sitting at the Walmart Pickup, getting ingredients for freezer meals and I tell the personal shopper about MK's upcoming surgery. She begins to cry and tells me that she'll be praying for us. The moment when our huge family gathered in a circle, held hands and my papa prayed for our soon-to-arrive niece and for Mia Kai's surgery. Then the moment where the lady who takes care of insurance at our hospital gives me her personal phone number and tells me to call her if I need anything. And the moment when the hotel manager said we could check-in early even though it's a "first come, first serve basis" and that they would do anything they can to help us during this time. There are so many moments. So. Many. We have been overwhelmed by the sweet gift baskets, cards, support, encouragement and prayers!! The Lord has been so good to us in this incredibly tough season - and so many people have been vessels of that goodness. Only a few more days before her sweet little head will be fixed and we'll enter into a new season of healing.