
If you're following along with the 2017 Scripture Memory / Dwell Richly printable, here's the verse for week 5:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

illustration by whitney todd of jitneys

It's no secret that this past year has been one of the greatest yet most challenging years. Between welcoming our sweet little pineapple into our family and then completely giving up control as we handed her over to the nurses that took her into surgery (that blog post series will be starting next week), our Father has stretched our faith, sustained our family and strengthened the story of His goodness in our lives. 

We were carried by the prayers of His people, of our community. I look back and wonder how we made it through last year and my only explanation is Jesus. 

This past year drives me to be more grateful in every moment. More relational so that I can be as much of encouragement to others as they were to us in the seasons of celebrations and heartache. More fluid with my schedule, to always make time for prayer and people. More purposeful in each action, each conversation and each project (whether personal or for Jitneys). 

I turn 29 on Sunday. It's a big year. That's exactly one year away from turning 30 and one last year in my twenties. 

I hope to soak in as much as I can. To recognize the beauty around me, regardless of where we are. To love so deeply that it hurts. To hold onto our Mia Kai incredibly tightly but to also let her run around like the silly little wild child that she is, encouraging independence, confidence and boldness. To cherish my husband and to constantly make him feel wanted, adored and strong. And, as with every year, to know Christ, to make Him known and to let His words dwell richly in my life, that they will be the constant overflow of my heart.

On a much lighter note, I started birthday month with a trip to Sephora to get NARS foundation because, people, I'm almost thirty. ;)

Next week, we'll begin the blog series of Mia Kai's cranio posts. I'll be detailing the steps and days of her surgery and healing. Feel free to follow and pass along the main link ( to any friends whose babies have been diagnosed with this.