Five. Years. It blows my mind even thinking about it. When I would hear couples say they've been married for five years, I would think, "That's a long time." I know it's nowhere near twenty-five or fifty, or really even that close to ten, but five years is kind of like that time where it seems like life as a married couple is finally getting settled in. It's that mark where you realize you know each other's habits on a deeper level, you can sit in silence and still be totally comfortable, you have "the looks" and "the signals" when you're out in public, and you've developed a bit of a secret language. You've lived a lot of life together and you're excitedly awaiting the many, many years of life and marriage ahead of you.
Okay - so maybe this isn't what everyone else experiences at the five year mark, but we have. I'll be the first to tell you... Five years is, in fact, not a long time. It has flown by. We often reflect on where we started and how far the Lord has carried us. We're still young. We still have so, so much to learn. And we still have an overflow of love to give. But we're here at five years. And we're thankful. What a sweet, sweet five years it has been!
I asked JD this morning at breakfast what his favorite moment of the past five years has been. His response, "It's not so much of a moment, but I've loved building a home with you."
Yeah. Be still my heart. Hold back the waterworks. This man knows me. The Lord has led us around the world, He has entrusted us with a wonderful house to build into our nest, He has encircled us with an amazing community, He has allowed us to develop a sweet business where we can lift His name high. All of this - This is our home. This is our life. This is our journey. And we get to live it together, regardless of where we are, what we're doing or who we're with.
To my Lovey: I cannot express how thankful I am to walk this life with you. You're my absolute favorite. You lead me well. You are kind and you are gracious. You inspire and encourage everyone around you, especially me. Thank you for making me feel so deeply loved, wanted and appreciated. Thank you for constantly directing me to our Savior and always allowing the Gospel to infiltrate your conversations with me and with others. You rock my world on a daily basis and have stolen my heart. I've loved spending the past five years with you and highly anticipate spending the next 50 years and the next 50 years after that dancing, singing, cooking, traveling, laughing and loving with you. I love you forever. ∞xoxo∞ (This may sound familiar to many of you. I had to steal a little from his proposal because it all fits so well.)
To our friends and family: Thank you. You guys have encouraged us and loved us well. You have given us sound, biblical wisdom and for that, we are deeply grateful for you. Thank you for helping us walk in the light of the Lord and for setting such beautiful examples of marriage. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you and helping us stay on course when we miss it. Thank you for walking beside us in the glorious, the rocky and the fun! We love you.