A Day of Sadness & Celebration

My great-grandmother, Grandma Moon, peacefully passed away this morning at 2 a.m. Though it is super sad to see such an amazing woman pass, we are celebrating the wonderful life she lived... and the fact that she is now celebrating her eternal life with our Savior! :) She has blessed so many lives and we hope nothing less than to carry on that legacy in our family.

One thing she never hesitated to remind JD and me was to never go to bed angry. Even though we have been married for only (almost) two months, we have of course had our small disputes... Surprise!! We're only human. However, we can never really look at each other in the eyes when we have a rift, because when our eyes meet, we just can't help but smile and just laugh off the situation. We hope this is an encouragement to all who read this -- that when you get into a (what JD would prefer calling a "debate" rather than dispute), that you will look at your spouse (or girlfriend/boyfriend) and remember the reasons why you are together... that you will look at each other in the eyes and develop a magnificent smile because the glisten in your significant other's eyes are just too unbearable to resist. Therefore, with that, we strive and hope that you will strive to never go to bed angry.

Also, if you haven't already heard the news of this... JD got his haircut today. And of course, it was Jitneys Journeys video blog worthy. We've been trying to get the video up for the past three hours but it seems as though Vimeo is having a few glitches. We will have it up ASAP.

Another funny story about my grandma... the first time she (and the rest of the entire family) met JD, she stared at him for a while and said, "Is this your boyfriend??" At this time, JD and I weren't "official" so we just kind of looked at each other blankly. Moments later, she said, "Well, this must be your girlfriend with all of that hair." :) It definitely relieved us both when she said that simply for the fact that we didn't have to answer the "are you official" question. We hate that she didn't get to see JD with his short, clean-cut hair, but at least he got it cut before her funeral. AND like everyone else that we pass in our path of life, she said he was incredibly handsome... even with the long hair.

Please keep our family in your prayers... especially the grandparents that are letting us stay next door to them in their cabin. To help you make the connection, Grandma Moon is my grandmother's (Gingin) mother... and my mother's (Mama E) grandmother... therefore, Grandma Moon is my great-grandmother. She lived to see four of her great-grandchildren (Daniel, Chase, Lauren and myself) get married and even lived to see her great-great grandchild turn one year old. That's an extravagant life. :)