Stitchin' in the Kitchen

What a joy it was to spend the majority of the day with my grandmother (aka: Gingin)! She was once an incredible seamstress but had to look past her hobby in order to take care of more important things (aka: her mother's well-being). So it's back to taking care of her own well-being and it is an honor to participate with her in that. First things first -- begin sewing again. I've been wanting to learn how to sew an apron since this past Christmas when my mom gave me some wonderful little apron patterns for sewing. :) I had to begin with the basics though... so we got out what was left from the bedsheet I used from the children's camp and we made two white aprons with the fabric. (Gingin's had white stitching and mine had brown, of course). I hope to add on some cute little patterned fabric for pockets as well as a couple of buttons.

After our aprons were complete and our backs were sore and stiff, we finished the afternoon by making some delightful homemade vanilla ice cream. Find a couple of segments from the day in the video below.

Now we're off to a lovely evening with my grandparents' friends as well as our new friends, Mr. Bob and Mrs. Nancy. They're having JD and me and another newlywed couple over for dinner so that we can make some friends our age in the area. :)

Stitchin' in the Kitchen from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.

Music choice: "Us" by Regina Spektor