The Beautiful Bungalow [Part 1]

UPDATE: WE HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT!!! Follow us and we'll follow you back!

We could never express just how much we appreciate what our grandparents have done for us over the past two months!! They have so graciously allowed us to live and TRANSFORM the cabin beside their house into our own little temporary home. Gingin (my grandmother) has taught me how to sew, to cook, to bake and to love harder. Papa has taught JD how to drive the pontoon boat, he keeps our cars clean and well, just like Gingin... spoils us - just like they do all of "us grandchildren and spouses." We couldn't ask for better neighbors than them. :) They always call before walking over and offer us leftovers whenever they have any. They have given us free reign over the ENTIRE bungalow... so we've had a blast adding much decor. :)

In this video, we wanted to show you our journeys from the first couple of days after arriving at the bungalow. We will post a video soon of the transformation.

The Bungalow Part 1 from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.