A Week of Visitors & a Special Request of Prayer

As most of you have probably noticed... we failed to post a blog last week. It was a crazy busy week filled with three wonderful guests. We wish we were able to share an awesome video with you but we seemed to have misplaced (or lost) our flipcam somewhere (we think in a mexican restaurant in Birmingham). JD had some wonderful footage of my good friend Courtney Pearce's wedding pre-reception and we wanted so badly to be able to have some footage of the entire week with Theresa (JD's sister), Jennifer (Whit's old roommate) and her boyfriend, Kyle. Oh well. Fortunately, Theresa got some footage and a few pics on her camera so we will try to post a short vid from that soon. Meanwhile, here are some of the pics...

Jet skis, dinner picnic on the pontoon (complete with taco ring, cucumbers, grapes, pringles and cookies), and we ended each night off with a delicious Root Beer Float. Mmmm!!

In other news, JD and I have been blessed with the opportunity to speak to the Faith Baptist Church youth group in Monroe tomorrow night (Wednesday). We are so excited to share our individual journeys which both led us to each other a little over one year ago. The main topic will be purity but we will also be addressing the importance of praying for and thinking about the husband / wife that the Lord has set aside for them. So please please keep us in your prayers tomorrow... that the Lord will truly rock these students' worlds and even our own, that He will give us the confidence to speak boldly yet with much vulnerability, and that His Truth and His name will be known above all things.