The Onion Chopper & a Life Update

We realized today that we haven't posted anything in one week!! Gosh, has it flown by! A couple of my (Whit's) cousins have been turning an old shed attached to the back part of our cabin into a super nice closet! :) Gingin, JD and I will be getting paint and a couple of racks to put up this weekend. We can't wait to show the video of the true transformation of our bungalow.

Thursday night, we had a wonderful little "newlywed couple dinner" with our friends at the lake, Bo & Angie and John & Robyn. They are both fantastic couples and amazing people. We have planned a couple of other ventures soon to come in the fall... with that being said, you will probably meet them via video soon enough.

In other news, I started volunteering at the First Call Pregnancy Center in Greensboro, Ga., this past week. We had training yesterday and today. While the entire center is complete with confidentiality, I will not be able to share many stories with yall, but please know that we will still be asking for much prayer on the behalf of the girls and women that will enter its doors unknowingly seeking more than just help for their unborn babies.

Most importantly, we have an incredibly exciting update for everyone... the Lord has officially blessed JD with a paying technology job at Lake Oconee with TechKnow Gurus. After four months of searching in basically four or five different states without more than a reply of "You are too qualified" or "You are not qualified enough," he has finally gotten the opportunity to exhibit to an employer the knowledge he has and the potential he has in order to build the company dramatically. Praise the Lord! :) What element adds even more to this blessing? We get to continue living in our sweet bungalow right next to my wonderful grandparents in the same town as our new friends. After being close-minded at the fact that we wanted to live so far away from both of our families in the beginning, God definitely brings us to a beautiful humility. We are excited to be living in a place that He has obviously appointed us to. Thank you everyone for your prayers! A sincere word spoken to our Father is never wasted. Please continue to pray for us both as we now enter into the realms of a workplace, that through all situations Christ's name will not only be known but that it will also be lifted high and glorified. :)

Oh yea, and here's a quick video of one of our favorite household utensils... the Onion Chopper.