DIY: From Shed to Closet

Well, here's our finished closet!!!... well, we will never "finish" it but it's finished with the main touches. We will be posting our finished paint job/moving in of the different furniture next week.

In other news, JD's life is amazing. God is seriously rocking both of our worlds right now. JD got his first paycheck two weeks ago and he is really helping to build TechKnow Gurus (the company he is working for). He had some offers to apply at other places but he doesn't want to leave the area... or the company. He has the heart of a "Guru" now. He's the most dedicated and faithful man I know. :)

In my life, gosh. God is so good. JD told Bo Fowler (area director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes around here) to be praying for me because if I don't have just one thing to focus on, I try to take over the world basically. Haha - so Bo suggested that I work with FCA in the area. Little did we know, God had already started planning it all out. After tons and tons of other "God Moments", Bo presented the idea to the FCA Area Board last night that we have a need. A need for a female to be in a position to minister to the other female students, coaches and coaches' wives in the area. They whole-heartedly approved the new position of the full-time Female Area Staff Member. Praise the Lord! Seriously. He is the only One to praise in all of this because His hand has been ALL OVER IT!! However, before I can be placed on staff, I have to raise 75% of the funds -- probably somewhere between $25,000. Or rather, God will PROVIDE those funds. We have complete trust and faith, knowing that God is all in this. It sounds like so much money, but we would be completely belittling God if we didn't have faith in know that He will provide because He is a MIGHTY and LIVING God. :)

Just as God is all over it, we know that the enemy will be too. Please please be praying for our marriage, our hearts, our determination and our dependability... for them to all be completely founded and buckled into the Heart of Christ.