11.20.10 Part 2 - With Milkshakes and Quiche Recipes

After a long hard day of putting together a cabinet... and eating...

Here's the second part of our day on 11.20.10, another fantastic video JD put together. In case you wanted to make pumpkin pie milkshakes or a delicious quiche for yourself, the recipes are below the video.

Also this month, we will be putting up our Christmas videos. It's bad luck to have your Christmas decorations up after December 31st. I hope it's not bad luck to show Christmas videos after the last day of December too...

Pumpkin Pie Milkshake
Recipe by Our Best Bites

1/3 C pumpkin, canned or homemade
1/4 - 1/2 C milk
1/4 t vanilla
1/2 t cinnamon
1/16 t cloves (just use a 1/8 t measure and fill it half way, or do a pinch)
1/16 t nutmeg
2 T brown sugar
2 C vanilla ice cream
1-2 graham crackers

Pop everything but graham crackers in a blender. Start with 1/4 C milk and then slowly add more if needed to make the blender process it all. I used somewhere between 1/4-1/2 C.

*Our friend, Amanda Y, inspired this want for the pumpkin pie milkshake. She just started a blog: http://www.thetastyteaspoon.com/ You should check it out!

Ham & Cheese Quche
A Family Recipe... I think.

1 Pastry (Pillsbury Pie Crust)
1/2 cup (2 oz.) Shredded Swiss Cheese
1 cup (8 oz.) Shredded Shard Cheese (Cheddar), Divided
2 tbsp. All Purpose Flour, Divided
1/2 cup Diced Cooked Ham
2 tbsp. Honey Mustard
5 eggs, beaten
1 1/4 cups half-n-half
1/4 cups chopped green onions
1/4 tsp. salt

Line 9-inch quiche dish with pastry; trim excess pastry away. Prick bottoms and sides of pastry with a fork. Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and prick with fork. Bake for additional 5 minutes. Combine swiss cheese, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, and 1 tbsp. flour in a Ziploc baggie. Toss gently to coat. Spread in a pastry shell. Combine ham and honey mustard. Toss gently to coat. Spoon ham mixture over cheese. Combine half-n-half, green onions, eggs, remaining 1 tbsp. of flour and salt; stir well. Pour mixture into pastry shell and top with remaining 1/2 cup cheddar cheese. bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes or until set. Let stand for 10 minutes and then dig in to some delicious goodness!

*My cousin, Lauren K, gave me the Paula Deen Pie dish (color: robin's egg blue). I would not bake another quiche without it. I LOVE it! It's the perfect color too!