Valentine's Day Pillow Talk

Happy Valentine's Day!!

What are you and your love doing to celebrate today?

Building forts with blankets, venturing onto a treasure hunt or dining in a remote corner of a candlelit restaurant...?

I'm thinking that we may finally purchase these pillowcases because they're too awesome to be sitting alone in a warehouse.

The pillows are entitled "Say I Love You". However, as I've had the image set as my desktop background for more than a year, I decided to change the name to "Pillow Talk". It suits, don't you think?

I also ran across these pillows...

No, we are not pregnant. BUT when that day comes to fruition, we will probably buy some sweet pillows such as these. Until then, we will just have to shower our baby-making friends with these instead. Actually, I will probably just start making them myself since they come only in blue and pink. Next project to embark on...