Happy Spring!! Free Cleaning Printable...

Happy First Day of Spring!!!

Hopefully, you are outside enjoying this beautiful weather on this lovely first day of Spring. Maybe you're painting your fingernails super-fresh colors like this:

{Color: Rimmel 60 seconds, 819 Green with Envy}

Or maybe you're out picking big, bountiful flowers for those awesome vases:

{Photo taken at the Bungalow last year. Gingin grows the most beautiful hydrangeas at the lake!}

Whatever you're doing, you are probably either delighting in or dreading spring cleaning. To make it a little more exciting, JD and I decided to share our Cleaning List with you from our Newlywed Organization Book I designed last year (you know, the one I've been meaning to put up on Etsy... one day).

This printable (in color for you savvy families out there OR in black & white for those penny-pincher newlyweds) will be free for your printing pleasure on our blog until the end of March. Spread the love via Pinterest, Facebook or whatever you'd like! It's just one step closer to making our world into a cleaner world. :) Enjoy!

P.S.: "Int" means interior cleaning priorities and "Ext" means exterior. 

P.P.S.: The document should open in a different tab (Adobe tab, to be exact) and you can download the file from there free of charge. If not, well, please email us here. JD knows how to do all of this techie stuff but he's at work in the midst of me posting this. Fingers crossed. 

*As of April 9, The Cleaning List Printable has been placed in our Etsy shop! Come visit us here!!