"He is like a Tree Planted by Water..."

My absolute favorite part of last week was gardening with my parents... 
or rather, learning how to garden. They have this extraordinary fairy garden in their backyard. The base of the garden is an old iron cast bathtub from my grandparent's lakehouse at Lake Rabun in North Georgia. Isn't the entire garden just magical??

Here are a few close-ups of the fairies. Little kids LOVE playing in this garden, especially our little niece / cousin Emma Kate. Just precious. :)

This is Gnomeo and Juliet. JD and I really liked this movie but mom and dad had no idea who these little figurines were until we told them. :) Don't you love the little door? My parents are going to attach matching windows going up the tree to act like a castle.

Fast forward to this week and we end up at a nice little quiet time I spent with the Lord while waiting on the maintenance man to come hang up my new art project on the wall...

Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."

First of all, did you catch that line where it says we are blessed if we not only trust in the Lord but actually transform our trust to be Jesus? I hadn't ever thought of it that way until reading this verse. It's a challenging thing, but so much more rewarding. When Jesus is our trust, we have absolutely nothing to be anxious about. For He is good. He is enough.

Secondly, I fear that I wouldn't have truly grasped verse eight if I had not spent the week gardening. God really knows when to place things in front of our eyes, huh? Dad taught me a lot about deeply planting the roots - especially tomato roots because they spread quickly with enough water. 

Think about that with a tree. 

If we are deeply rooted and planted beside the Living Water, we are going to grow in mighty ways through Christ's power alone. Better yet, fear will begin to disperse because we will have faith in knowing that our roots are deeply planted, spread widely and quenched by the Living Water of our Savior. 

We are so thankful for this Truth today. 


And here is our garden at the apartment!! :) 


I LOVE using fresh herbs and practically punch myself in the kneecap when I have to buy herbs at the grocery store. We left the herb garden (in the strawberry planter) at the bungalow when we moved, so we're thrilled to have it back home with us. Finally, fresh herbs without the cost! 

We're growing rosemary, chives, parsley, thyme, mint and basil. 

The box on the wooden pedestal is our tiny fairy garden. It's quite sweet.

And here's one more photo of mom for ya... 

The John Deere has always been an Adams Family staple. I can't remember a summer when she wasn't on this thing. And if she wasn't riding around the yard, picking up tree branches or rocks before my dad plowed through on the much bigger tractor, well... you would probably find me chugging along on it. 

Hope you're having a wonderful week!!