October 31: Room Service is Delicious

 It's about 2:00 in the morning. JD has been going into work sometime in the late afternoon and then he gets back to the hotel after midnight. Seeing as many restaurants close around 11 pm, we get to hit up the super expensive, but delightful, Room Service menu. 

Oh. Yes. 

There are only a few dishes that we like to choose from, these two being our faves: 

A delicious greek salad with lots of mediterranean toppings (fresh peppers, mozzarella, onions, olives) and a goat cheese ravioli. Mmm!! We also eat lots of pizza and we enjoy the salmon but didn't get any pictures of either. We feasted greatly with a sweet pink rose on our table, then it was back to work for my sweet husband...

I'm so thankful he loves his job. ;)

And if the food above wasn't enticing enough, check out this scrumptious set-up... Cappuccinos and Amadeus dessert that we could only order when we were in the Hilton lobby. This was hands-down the best dessert we had ever tasted. In. Our. Lives.

Yea. That good.