Friday Favesies

Hi Everybody!

We're taking a break today from our travel posts to join up with Ruthy at Discovery Street. She has this awesome thing she started called...

She started it as "a collection of things I've found and loved on the interweb over the week and wanted to share, PLUS, it's a great way to introduce you to some awesome bloggers." Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?! Go to her site and join her ventures. :) 

So these are the things the Todd Family has been lovin' this week:

  • We eat chicken or salmon, broccoli or green beans, and corn or potatoes at our house for dinner every single night. It's easy and it takes care of all of our essential dinner needs. But I know it gets super boring, especially for JD. Fortunately, I ran across this post that covers 50 different chicken recipes. What are your favorite sites for yummy recipes?
  • This party looks amazing! We'll have to get something going like this in our backyard one day. Plus, they have super cute free downloadable printable templates for popcorn bags. :)
  • My mom cannot stop talking about this recipe she found via Pinterest. Fresh Strawberry Upside Down Cake. She says it's the best thing since even before sliced bread.
  • I ran across this DIY heart on Pinterest which looks sweet, modern and awesome. Sadly, it doesn't link straight to the original post. However, it took me to this site which is in Portuguese but the photos speak louder than words possibly could. [Plus, Google should offer you the option to translate to English.] Enjoy getting inspired! 
Tomorrow morning, JD and I will be running our first 5K together since we've known each other. Ahh!! We loaded up on carbs tonight and we've been training by jogging (and walking for me) 3.5+ miles of mountainous terrain every other day. Ankles have been twisted, muscles have been pulled and I have blisters the size of quarters on my feet. It's worth it though. We're ready to rock. :)

Don't forget to check out Discovery Street!