Reversible Moustache Placemats

Now introducing our newest creation... the reversible chevron moustache placemat. Are you in love? Don't rush to our Etsy shop yet. We haven't put them up for sale. Our fabric providers are out of this lovely chevron fabric so I'm waiting anxiously for them to put it back in stock. Be lookin' out for them soon!!

The only finished set has gone to this lovely couple... Matt and Julie. 

Matt is one of JD's closest friends. It's because of him and JD's other best friend, Chris, that we take pride in the name Jitney. Matt and Julie are getting married next weekend and we couldn't be more excited for them!! The first time we met Julie, people asked if her and I were sisters. She's super cool. Matt and Julie inspired our matching bowling shirts (yes, we wear them every time we go bowling now) and these moustache placemats (Matt can grow a mean 'stache). We gave them the set of placemats last weekend at their wedding shower. We're pretty sure they loved them. ;)

What do you think about the placemats?
What other kind of images would you like to see on the placemats... bird, heart, cross?