Friday Favesies


We missed Friday Favesies last week due to a weekend getaway so we've got a lot to cover this week. :)

Maybe you noticed our sweet new live Pinterest sidebar? Find out how to post it on your blog here.

Our favorite iPhone app the past few weeks has been SONGZA!! Don't worry, you can play it straight from your computer too. They have playlists generated for just about anything and every part of the day... "Singing in the Shower" blares through our stereo just about every morning. Do you have a Songza account? Which playlist is your favorite?

This past Sunday, JD's co-worker / friend invited us to his church for a 4th of July party. Chelsea Moon and one of the Franz Brother performed a bluegrass concert of re-arranged hymns. It was nothing less than blissful. JD's favorite part was, of course, partnering with Aaron to prep and display the epic fireworks show. Two boxes of Pyromaniac Fireworks can really do the trick...

Needless to say, we've been jamming to some Chelsea Moon and the Franz Brothers ever since. Check out one of their songs below...

The favorite Pin of the week goes to the creator of these fantastic tea towels with handwritten recipes transferred onto them (Emma). It's the perfect family keepsake and kitchen tool. I instantly began following Emma's blog at Hello Beautiful

While I was scanning her blog posts, I came upon this awesome tutorial for making a Maxi Skirt!! Gosh, there is nothing better than seeing a tutorial and thinking, "Yes! I can totally tackle that!" 

Dearest Sewing Machine, 
You will be receiving the glorious gift of no burlap on this project. Forget the fuzzies and let's forge onto making the Maxi skirt with actual cotton material. I know you've been waiting for this day to arrive.

Lookin' forward to reading about your Friday Favesies!! Link up with Ruthy at Discovery Street here.