Etsy Shop Will be Closed for 4 Weeks BUT Free Shipping on All Cuffees!!

Hi Everybody!

We're excited to announce that God has some pretty cool opportunities transpiring for Jitney's Journeys. With that being said, we want to be incredibly intentional, prayerful and wise about the next steps we take throughout the upcoming months with our business. In order to move forward, we feel it will be in our best interest to take a step back so that we may evaluate exactly which direction the Lord is leading us in with our new venture.

Starting on September 7, we will deactivate the mailable listings in our Etsy shop and will not be taking any local orders until we open again on October 8. This includes everything except the printables. All printables, including a few new ones, will still be up and ready for purchase during this time, via the Etsy shop. Be on the watch for the new business management printables, thanks to a suggestion from one of our awesome customers. :) Keep in mind that we will process and ship all orders prior to September 7 though.

The blog will also be up and running strong during our shop hiatus. Next destination for our posts? Germany. Wahoo!!! One of our most favorite places!

Because we are bummed out about having to close up shop for a few weeks, but SUPER EXCITED for all that's to come...

we're offering Free Shipping on all of our cuffees starting today!! 

When you pick out the one you love from here, enter the promo code: CUFFEEFREESHIP and we'll ship it straight to your door!