I Want YOUR Advice : Perfumes

Whitney, here.

I need some advice. 

{Perfume from Anthropologie}

For Christmas, the only gift I'm asking for from my husband is a bottle of perfume (and maybe a pair of black TOMS). 

My biggest problem is that I see a perfume bottle, fall in love with the bottle style so hard that I want to buy it without even caring about the scent. Example: Anthropologie's Happ & Stahns Perfumers above. It's a pin cushion with the loveliest of pins on top... and it's my favorite color. Who wouldn't want something so pretty?!

I'm a lover of lotions but have yet to dabble much in perfumes. 

Perfumes seem so womanly - and I want to smell womanly!

I want to smell delightful to my husband. 

So delightful, in fact, that the words of Solomon flow from his mouth when we embrace:
"How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride!
How much better is your love than wine,
and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!"
Song of Solomon 4:10

(Ok. So he would never say those exact words... that would be weird.) 
A sweet-smellin' wife adds an extra flame to the candle.

So, here's where you come in. 

I need suggestions on perfumes that smell lovely... 

because if I try to pick one out myself, 
I will base it on the aesthetics of the bottle and not the nature of the scent.

Give me your best blogosphere spritz and help a sister out!