Surprise! Did You Know We Were Movie Stars for Twelve Seconds??

Today we're linking up with Molly & Carly for #YOLOMondays! 

Keeping in line with our last post about extras...

Did you know JD and I were in a movie??

Yeah. Like, we were stars for about twelve seconds. It was awesome.

Ok, so it was only an ABC Family movie. BUT we officially made it onto Netflix. What!?

If you want to check out our part, without watching the rest of the movie - you can.

Movie: My Future Boyfriend
(It was originally named "Always & Forever" which we liked a lot better, but oh well.)

Time Stat: somewhere around the 39 minute mark.

About three months after graduating from college / three months into our marriage, we were living in "The Bungalow" (AKA: a cabin right next to my gracious grandparents on Lake Oconee). I was jobless and JD had just gotten a small job at a technology storefront in town. Needless to say, we had a small income and very flexible schedules.

So when we heard about Extras Casting Atlanta on Facebook, we were super pumped.

We heard about this company via my brother, Chase.

Side note: You can see him as an extra in the movie Wanderlust. We watched the movie on the airplane just to get a screenshot of him...

A day or so after we "liked" the company, we saw an opportunity pop up for a "kissing couple." We emailed one of our wedding photos and an engagement photo that night and two days later, we got a phone call asking us to be in the movie.

They asked us to bring in a few outfits for the wardrobe department to choose for our part. The wardrobe dept. told JD "Your outfit looks perfect," then pointed to me and said, "Uhh... What else do you have?"

I ended up with the floral dress and JD ended up with a green polo and shorts.

Then we got on set...

The director looked at JD and said, "What is he wearing? Did you even go through the wardrobe dept? Go change."

We got a pretty big laugh out of this. The wardrobe dept. got him some khakis and dress shoes within a few minutes, and we were back on set.

Our part was "so important" that we were not allowed to play as extras in any other part of the movie because the audience would notice us. This led to an entire twelve hours on set (getting paid $9 an hour), only to act for 30 minutes of it.

Our part?

We were supposed to portray "love" so JD bought me a rose, we kissed and walked off.

They shot about four different angles and we were finished.

About nine months later, someone wrote on my Facebook wall: "I'm pretty sure I just saw you on ABC Family..."

Contrary to our beliefs, they decided to keep our part in the movie and we were on TV.
How cool is that??

We still can't believe that we were in a movie, but it hits on our Top Ten List of the most exciting adventures we've had thus far. It was also the prime part to play as newlyweds.

What unexpected thing would go down on your Top Ten Most Exciting Adventure List?