DIY : Sugar Suga' Scrub

So you wanna make some sugar scrub? 

Easy breezy, my friends.

This stuff will do wonders for your skin. Better yet, it will make you feel so fresh and so clean.

We made the scrub during the Life Skills class (per recommendation of my assistant for the class, Amy) and the girls LOVED it. In full disclosure, I became a bit obsessed with it. I couldn't stop rubbing my hands together because they felt so soft... And I may have washed my face with it that night. The next morning was the first day I have ever woken up with a glowing complexion. 

Enough enticing already....

Grab a few of your kitchen staples:
*Coconut Oil
*Brown Sugar
*Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
our EVOO is in a Mason Jar because our bottle was leaking all over our cabinet shelves. When all else fails, fill up the Masons...

And your favorite aromatherapy essential oils:
*Lavender (calming) and Eucalyptus (exhilarating) were our choices.

Step 1: Pack 1 cup of brown sugar into a measuring cup and put into a large bowl.

Step 2: Pour in 1/2 cup EVOO.

Step 3: Measure out 3 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil and add to the mixture.

Step 4: Mix the brown sugar, EVOO and coconut oil with your fingers. Add more ingredients as you see fit. I added more brown sugar to make the scrub more coarse rather than oily.

Step 5: Add a few drops of essential oils until it smells pleasantly aromatic. 

I mixed lavender and eucalyptus simply because they smell so good together, but you should definitely try out other ones. Jasmine would be rockin'! In fact, I'm going to get some today to experiment later. :)

Side Note: Keep a bottle of essential oil in your shower and sprinkle a couple of drops at the bottom of a hot shower for a super soothing sauna experience! 

Step 6: Continue grinding up the mixture with your hands until nice and coarse. Grab a few Mason Jars and fill them to the rim. *You may want to whisk the mixture to make it fluffy before putting the mixture into the jars. 

Step 7: Tie a pretty bow around the jar...

Step 8: Exfoliate with a jar for yourself and gift a jar to someone else! 
*These make awesome Mother's Day, birthday, Christmas or hostess gifts!! 

Which essential oil will you experiment with?