A Little DIY Inspiration for Your Thursday...

Do you subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens emails? 

There is so much inspiration hidden within my inbox because of it. 

In all honesty, I skip over the emails pretty often but with Spring setting in quickly, I need some fresh inspiration. The past email was packed with fantastic-ly fresh ideas you can find here. Needless to say, I've been pinning pretty rapidly this morning. 

The picture above really captured my heart. It's simple, it's lovely and it's super inexpensive. Here's the excerpt from BH & G in how to create this set-up for yourself:

Sharpie Wall Frames

It’s hard to miss the writing on the wall with these show-stopping frames sketched in black marker. Model the frame shapes after ornate versions of the real thing, using antique portrait frames for inspiration. Add diagonal lines at the corners to suggest depth. To highlight the differences in dimensions between your frames and art pieces, hang a three-dimensional sculpture or vase within one frame.

Some may be afraid to cover their walls with Sharpie markings and I don't blame you one bit!
I'm thinking vinyl may be a better route to go. 

Here are a few Etsy shops that have amazing, vintage-inspired vinyl frames:

Here are another couple of projects I will be embarking on from the collection of BH & G grouping:

I love this twine-enhanced vintage key with the subtle, soft background.

These printed maps are pure beauties. You know this traveling couple will be hanging up a series like this in our home!!

Which project will you be trying out this Spring?