Todd Nest Holiday Recap : Featuring Mama E's Spicy Mac & Cheese Recipe

The worst part about not posting anything over the holidays is deciding on what the most "Post Worthy" post could be for our comeback in 2014. 

I've been trying to decide on the topic for at least a week now... which means if I don't post something soon, the buildup will only become too heavy with pressure and then we'll just stop posting altogether. 

This Christmas was much like every year, filled with tons of laughter and sweet little moments. 

Mom and Dad had a sweet surprise waiting in Georgia for us - an overnight trip to Stone Mountain filled with snow tubing, Polar Express 4-D, funnel cakes and a restful hotel stay. We also watched a man perform the art of glass blowing, which in turn blew our minds. It may be one of the most exhilarating art forms I've witnessed in years. 

We enjoyed time with extended family, the guys watched movies while mom and I planned our goals for our businesses, and my parents gave us a ridiculously awesome pocket projector that we have thoroughly enjoyed in our den upon our return home. 

Tag (Chase and Jackie's pup) broke his little leg at the dog park prior to their journey to Georgia so they had to stay in Vegas to doctor him up. 

As long as he's feeling up to par, they should be able to fly over in February for the annual Birthday Throwdown (aka : dinner with the family). 

Then we drove over to JD's parents as they greeted us with a warm welcome and amazing feast. Brandon and Theresa came in a few days later (but we didn't wait on them to open presents - whoops!). 

The best part of that trip was Sunday morning. Our church in HSV didn't have service (in hopes that families would stay at home and worship together with their family or small group) and instead posted a video and discussion questions online. It was one of the most intimate and sweetest times I've had with the Todd family. We sang praises and discussed the Word at length. It was truly beautiful. 

We returned to HSV knowing that we wouldn't be able to drive to our families' homes for a New Year's Day feast so we decided to seize the day by making our own. Risky but gosh, it was well worth it. We invited our friends (Matt and Julie) over to help us take down black eye peas, collard greens, spicy mac and cheese, cornbread (courtesy of Julie).... and a rotisserie chicken from the Kroger deli.... I promise everything else was homemade though.

Because I'm not a chef or anywhere remotely close to it, I feel that it is safe to say that it was - by far - the best meal I've ever cooked. Not to brag or anything, but I was pleased to start my 2014 off in such a successful way. Ok. So that's totally bragging but I'm afraid I won't be able to replicate that goodness ever again. Just run a victory lap with me and I'll digress. 

As I get to the end of writing this post, I realize that the most "Post Worthy" thing I could leave you with is Mama E's Spicy Mac and Cheese recipe. She worked on perfecting this recipe for YEARS. All of that hard work and macaroni paid off. Be careful when eating it though. Nothing else will ever taste as good. 

Mama E' Spicy Mac & Cheese
by: Yvette Adams

3 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
2 cups Cheddar cheese, shredded
2 cups Velveeta cheese, shredded
2 cups Jack cheese
1.5 cup whole milk
3/4 cup sour cream
3 eggs
1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3/4 tsp. salt
(we like to mix in a few diced jalapeΓ±os too)

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 9 x 13 baking dish; set aside. In a saucepan, cook macaroni according to package directions, drain. Return macaroni to saucepan.

While macaroni is hot, add the cheeses to the pan; stir well. Spread the macaroni mixture in the prepared baking dish. In a bowl, whisk together the milk, sour cream, eggs, butter and salt. Pour the milk mixture over the macaroni. Top with a little extra Cheddar cheese.

Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown and bubbling. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

Enjoy the spicy goodness!!