The Todd Nest : Guest Bedroom Revamp


It is finally finished.

Remember when we posted about our new guest bedroom furniture a couple of weeks ago?

It looked like this...

We threw a plant and a globe on there to make it look somewhat complete, but let's be honest here... that just doesn't cut it around the Todd Nest. 

It didn't take long for inspiration to hit as I began unpacking a few other things and started to develop a theme of milk glass, dried flowers and burlap.

Simply charming, no?

We found the shutter laying on the side of our street a few Sunday mornings ago. We were running somewhat late for church (we were meeting with someone before the service) and I was rushing JD out of the door. "HURRY!! We gotta go!!" So he's driving down our street when I begin yelling, "SHUTTERS!! SHUTTERS!! REVERSE, REVERSE!!" After he realized what I was attempting to say, we hopped out of the car, snatched those big guys up and threw them in the backseat. And off to church we went. We actually made it on time (in case you were wondering). 

Worth. It. 

The burlap centerpiece is actually a small portion of a special order I'm making for an Etsy customer's wedding. Won't that be lovely? I loved it so much that I've decided to make another one with a T to put in its place. Until I ship that order, I'll be leaving it here for safe-keeping. ;)

We bought the lamps from Hobby Lobby as one of our first "real" home decor purchases. I was drooling over these things!! But then I got tired of them and decided to put them in a yard sale... until I decided they would look fantastic in this set-up. So, I kept them and I'm happy with them again. 

Story of our life. Always changing things around. This is why it's a bad idea to throw things away in this family. I will always find another place for it, you just gotta give it some time. 

Finally, the books. I wrapped all three of these books in shipping / packing paper. One is an atlas of the galaxy, one is an old school Laura Ashley decorating book and one is a faux painting book (I'm mainly documenting this for my own memory of when I forget what's wrapped up in there). I considered writing the names of the books on the sides in pretty cursive but decided against it because I just love the simplicity of it. 

What do you think of the new set-up?
How long does it normally take you to gain inspiration for finishing a bedroom design?
Do you change things up often or leave it be for a while?