Jitney's Journeys : God's Provision & His Blessings [we've been published!!]

If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, you already know half of the super exciting announcement... but WE'VE BEEN PUBLISHED!!! 

How It Happened:
It all started in January when JD and I headed up the merchandise table for a youth retreat at church. Through that, we met the amazing Sarah Holmes and (of course) became Facebook friends within a day. She read one of our blog posts that I basically poured my heart into (which I don't do too often so there's no explanation other than God's timing in that) - The Marriage and Transparency Post - and she instantly wrote me a message asking if she could send it to the managing editor of Shattered Magazine. With a tad of hesitation (because I was thinking, "seriously, me?!"), I told her to send it on. Minutes later, Emily (managing editor) wrote me one of the best emails I've ever received in my life with praises about the blog and Jitney's. We totally don't deserve those praises but it definitely rocked my world. :)

So she sent me a few writing prompts and we narrowed it down to a story about our travels (the main story is about an eye-opening event we had in Germany, but you're just going to have to buy a copy to read for yourself). I also feel like I need to throw in here that, through this process, Emily has become one of my dearest friends. And we probably have way too many hysterical (and sometimes life-changing) email threads to prove it (with lots of hashtags). 

But back to the magazine... I saw the cover on the Shattered FB page and look!!

We made it as a cover story!!!!


We also wrote out a list of Tips and Tricks for your summer vacation which was tacked on to the end of our article.

Emily and me at the One Year of Shattered Event

The greatest honor of being published in this particular magazine is because the purpose radiates deep to my core. It's a magazine about Real Life, Real Hope and Real Purpose. 

Shattered isn’t your typical magazine. In fact, it’s much more than a magazine — it’s a Gospel-centered movement of authenticity. Shattered believes that there is a need to break down barriers people have built within and among themselves and seeks to do so by sharing personal stories that point to the hope and power of an identity in Jesus Christ — who redefines lives and shatters the darkness of this broken world. No matter where you’ve come from or where you are, our heart is to remind you that God has a purpose for you as part of His greatest story of all.  -- Shattered

It's about Truth. Vulnerability. Brokenness. Seasons. Trust. 

It's about ugliness and the Beauty that God creates out of it.  

It's about the Gospel.
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The magazine is distributed nationally at Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million. You can pick up the summer issue in a couple of weeks....

Which lines up with the other half of the big announcement - Jitney's Journeys will be doing our first GIVEAWAY!!!! We're partnering with Shattered Magazine to give away a bag filled with lots of wonderful Jitney products and TWO subscriptions to Shattered!!! It would be an understatement to say that I am - ridiculously excited - about this. The giveaway will begin May 26th and end May 30th. There will be lots of ways to enter so don't miss out!! 
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And finally, because this tiny moment brought so much joy to my life, that I just can't help but share it with you....

As JD was flipping through the magazine, he saw the photos of this little boy and said, "Hey! Who took these photos of me as a kid?!" 

And he wasn't kidding. This little boy (Andrew) looks identical to JD as a kid. It's his little mini doppleganger. We laughed so hard... but then I read their story. My laughter quickly turned into tears, then my tears turned back into sweet, sweet laughter again. This article is slashes the heart in such a good way. Staci's words are beautifully written.

So, seriously... Go buy the issue or subscribe or get your hands on a copy somehow because God moves like lightning through each story. Be challenged.