Mia Kai // Two Months Old!

If you're following along with the 2016 Scripture Memory / Dwell Richly printable, here's the verse for week 23:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (ESV)

Mia Kai Two Months via Jitney's Journeys
Mia Kai Two Months via Jitney's Journeys

Mia Kai is now two months old! I couldn't decide between photos so I went with both. ;) One obviously shows her dainty side and the other her playful side. She's beginning to develop a little personality and we're having so much fun! This month has been filled with exciting new things filled with lots of giggles, smiles and observations.

Mia Kai 2 Months Pool Party Pineapple via Jitney's Journeys

Weighing in at 8 lbs, 15.5 oz with a length of 22" at her 7 week appointment, Mia Kai has been sleeping well through the night (5 to 7 hours). She loves bath time, story time with daddy, stretching, black and white picture books, strolls around the neighborhood, baby pool parties with friends, looking at the world with her big brown eyes and specifically focusing on ceiling fans and lights. Not many things upset her but she does despise vacuum cleaners and loud sneezes. 

She knows our voices and has found her own. We can't get enough of her sweet little whimpers, sighs and yawns. She lost the hair on top of her head (most babies lose it on the back of their heads) and looked like an old man for about two weeks. Several people assumed it had been shaven already in preparation for her surgery (and rightfully so). Haha! Fortunately, it's starting to grow back nice and thick. Unfortunately, the nurses will most likely have to shave it for real in a couple of weeks. At least we know it will grow back quickly! :) 

A few of our favorite photos from this month:

And a couple of our funny favorites from her '2 month photo shoot':

We're still figuring out what our new normal looks like but we're getting into a nice routine. We're trying to be flexible and basically have the assumption that any routine we've established will probably change after her surgery anyways. Haha!

Our house is staying tidy again for the first time in 10 weeks. Laundry has doubled (how does that happen with such a tiny human?) but it's getting done. We're slowly changing back from paper plates to our every day dishes (and they're getting washed!). I, of course, couldn't do it all without JD! My body is getting back to normal, though we tried to jog the other day and I'm pretty sure I won't be trying that for another few weeks at least. JD and I have been taking Mia Kai on long strolls almost every night. We've had some of the best, sweetest and toughest conversations during those times. Mom and dad came up for Memorial Day weekend (also our anniversary weekend) and we were able to go on multiple dates - thanks mom and dad! We've prepared MK's birth announcements and plan to send them out next week. I've even had time to sit down and write in my Agenda - and decorate it with washi tape! (Oh, the little things.) Yes, there are still tons of things that 'need' to get done eventually but we're pretty excited about how things are going so far. We couldn't be more grateful for our Little Pineapple, our Baby Bear. 

Finally, can we just take note of the verse for this week? I hope to go into more detail about our craniosynostosis journey later but one thing we keep telling people is how much peace we've had through this process. The Lord has continued to blow us away with how much grace and peace He's given us. This week is no different. We're clinging to this verse and taking heart, remembering what our Savior has already done.