Jurassic Falls Helicopter Tour with Island Helicopters // Kauai, Hawaii

If there is only one thing you do in Kauai, take the Jurassic Falls flight with Island Helicopters! It is the best way to see the whole island and SO worth the money. 

Jurassic Falls Tour with Island Helicopters in Kauai, Hawaii // via Jitney's Journeys
Jurassic Falls Tour with Island Helicopters in Kauai, Hawaii // via Jitney's Journeys
Jurassic Falls Tour with Island Helicopters in Kauai, Hawaii // via Jitney's Journeys

Island Helicopters is right beside the airport (pictured to the right). We took the earliest flight that day and the weather was nearly perfect. The entire staff was incredibly helpful and friendly. 

You'll check in then hop on a scale to check your weight. They do this to comply with FAA regulations and (I'm pretty sure) to also balance the helicopter evenly. You'll hang out at the building until all of the passengers arrive then head over to get the rundown of the flight. You'll also get little white slipper booties that you'll wear to walk around the property of Jurassic Falls.

There are two rows of seating in the helicopter. We had the thrill of riding in the front! I was seated in between the pilot and JD then a family of four sat in the row behind us. We recommend requesting sitting in the front when you reserve your flight. 

We took photos with our Canon EOS Rebel T5 and videos with JD's iPhone. We wish that we'd purchased a GoPro before this trip!! 

Jurassic Falls Tour with Island Helicopters in Kauai, Hawaii // via Jitney's Journeys

Our pilot, Gary (pictured to the right), was the best!! Definitely request him if you're able! He created a playlist for the tour so (not to ruin any surprises) as we took off, the theme song for Mission Impossible began to play in our headset. It was the coolest thing!! Call me lame for saying this, but we felt like secret agents. Haha! As we began flying over the river leading up to Jurassic Falls, the Jurassic Park theme song began to play. I'm not embarrassed to say that we both started to shed a few tears. As soon as the crescendo hit, the Falls were in sight. It was one of the most breathtaking experiences in either of our lives. 

We landed for some photos, gawked in amazement, then boarded the helicopter to continue the tour. As soon as we took off, it began to drizzle a bit but we were still able to see the views perfectly. Waterfall after waterfall after waterfall, including the Mt. Wai'ale'ale (the second wettest spot on Earth).

We just happened to hike the Canyon Trail the day before so when we flew into the Canyon, we were able to see the places we hiked the day before. It was so neat being able to see the views from standing at the top of the Canyon as well as flying through the middle of it!

We continued the tour over the Na Pali Coast with exhilarating views of the landscape and ocean (scroll through the photos below). It was also around this time when motion sickness hit me pretty hard. Fortunately, there was a stack of bags sitting in front of us in case that happened. JD looked over at me, checked to make sure I was okay then took the camera from around my neck lovingly and kept taking photos while I peered over my bag, still in sheer excitement. True love at its finest. Sickness wasn't going to stop me from enjoying the ride!! Side note: I recommend picking up a tin of "For the Weary Traveler" tea from Island Soap and Candle Works in Old Koloa Town and drinking a cup before flying. Unfortunately, we didn't know about this tea until after the flight but it's helped in several other instances! 

Even with the sickness part, this was absolutely the most exhilarating thing we've done on our  travels!! We hope you'll have the chance to enjoy it too! Feel free to ask any questions or tell us about your experience in the comments below or contact us here

Hawaii : Makapu'u Lighthouse of Oahu / Adventure Is Out There!

After our spontaneous adventure, we continued on our hike up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse. 

There is no way this lighthouse could ever be hidden. It's a pretty clear picture of Matthew 5:14-16.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." 

Isn't it beautiful...

The entire path lasts about two miles. Apparently, it is the prime spot for whale-watching on the island from December to April. Maybe we'll get the opportunity to see the migration one season!

In the meantime, the lighthouse proves to be a fantastic sight to behold for now.

Do you see the white fence that leads to the lighthouse? 

Well, we found it and tried to follow the trail. Instead, an electric, locked fence denied us of entering. 


We explored a few more paths along the way. As I was taking more photos of the lighthouse, JD was being adventurous. A little tooooo adventurous for my taste.

My heart practically beat out of my choice when I turned around and saw JD sitting on this rock (aka the top, outermost point of a 500-ft cliff). I took a few photos as I walked closer to him (in a quiet panic) and asked him gently to please get off of that rock before the wind blows him off. 

In my defense, it was insanely windy. 

Whew. Fortunately, he somehow maneuvered a safe dismount and we got some incredible photos from it. Just looking at this photo makes me queasy. Haha! I really wish I had the boldness for adventure that he has. Gosh, he's awesome.

We hiked several more of the trails and headed back to the parking lot. The ole' Subes was awaiting our arrival. We couldn't have asked for a more fitting rental car than a Subaru. Have you seen those commercials!? The commercials alone make an adventure-seeker want to drive one.

If you decide to take a stroll to the lighthouse, check out the other paths but be careful. Most people were only walking the paved road to the lighthouse. They missed the adventures hidden among the off-course dirt paths. As we were walking, JD said, "Life is really what you make of it." I replied with, "Adventure is out there!!" 

Have you ever been on an adventure (physical, emotional or mental) that challenged you?? Was it worth the risk?

Hawaii : Waimea Valley Waterfall

The Waimea Valley Botantical Gardens are pretty extraordinary. The entrance was bland and somewhat dead, most likely due to the season, but the rest of the walk was magical. 

Like Willy Wonka Magical.

Don't forget to wear your bathing suit, as the secret of the Waimea Valley is the waterfall at the end of the gardens! Sadly, most people walked right past the abundance of beauty hidden on the trails of the gardens.

This flower reminded us of the tree tops from The Lorax.

You'll eventually walk past this sign...

And you've made it!! 

Unlike the other Hawaiian islands, Oahu only has a couple of


accessible waterfalls. The Waimea Valley Waterfall is worth checking out. 

You can rent a noodle or life jacket for $2 and swim in the frigid pool over to the falls. If you're lucky, one of the lifeguards will happily paddle out to you and take your photos on his stand-up paddle board. 

The entrance fee for the Waimea Valley is $15 for adults and $7.50 for children. Some days the gardens restrict access to the swimming hole and falls. Be sure to call ahead the day of your visit to inquire about swimming conditions.