Mia Kai in Hawaii // Oahu and Kaua'i

We've decided that Mia Kai has basically waited until we were on Hawaiian soil to hit any of her milestones. She started crawling around ten months while on Kaua'i then took her first steps at 13 months old, once again on Kaua'i. She was nine and ten months old during this trip and I have to say, this is the age I captured some of my favorite photos of this sweet girl. We got her ears pierced, hiked the Wai Koa Loop on Kauai, hung out on Baby Beach in Poipu, walked around the International Market Place on Oahu, and ate our first starfruit! 

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Mia Kai // Six Months Old

Our little one is still very little but she is definitely growing!! She is curious, content and chill. Terrified of beards, sitting up like a pro, almost able to roll from her tummy to her back by herself, and has decided not to take a paci anymore. She's a fickle little one but also very determined. She's either stoic or really giggly... not much in between. Her little personality is definitely coming through. In fact, she seems to be pretty shy, which we never would've expected. She "talks" to her toys until she notices JD or me in the room with her then goes silent. Haha! It's actually super cute. She's loving the Exersaucer now that her feet can touch the bottom but she despises the Johnny Doorway Jumper. 

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Mia Kai // Five Months Old

This has been a huge month of 'firsts' for Mia Kai. 

Her four month check-up was at the beginning of the month. She weighed 12 lbs, 5 oz (10th percentile) and measured 21" long (5th percentile for height). In other words, she's still very dainty and 'petite'. Eczema has been an issue so we had to switch from my favorite Baby Aveeno products to CeraVe. The creases in between her feet and ankles were especially dry so we had to lotion them up with Cortizone. 

Highlights of this month: First flight // first trip to Hawaii // first time sitting up unsupported // first time eating food (rice cereal) // first diaper rash (from Butt Paste!! What?! We used Desitin and it was healed by the next morning) // first time to church (we were advised not to take her during her first few months, especially before and right after her surgery) // first time dipping her toes into the ocean // first trip to the zoo // first time sitting in a high chair. 

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Just the Two of Us // Our Last Trip Solo!

It's hard to believe that the next time we'll be traveling, we'll have a tiny little travel companion with us! JD and I were so excited to spend this last trip enjoying Hawaii together and hanging out on the days he didn't have to work. It's the end of an era and we wanted to celebrate the sweet season we've had as well as the exciting season that's about to happen. 

To be honest, we spent a lot of time resting. Our time traveling is normally spent hiking and exploring but throughout this pregnancy, we've been keeping it pretty chill. From what we've been told, we won't get as many opportunities to rest in a couple of months. ;) Here are a few highlights from the trip.

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Hawaiii : Hawaii Five-O and Extras

While in line at the USS Arizona, a man asked us a random question: "Do you two watch Hawaii Five-O?" Surprisingly, no. We watch a lot of tv shows, but that's not one of them. "Oh, well, they're having this event at Waikiki Beach called Sunset on the Beach tonight. They will screen the premiere of Season 3 and the celebrities will come in on the Red Carpet. You should check it out."

So we did. 

It was super cool. The beach was packed. Tons of locals / "extras" in the show were sitting among the crowd. People even brought their pet birds. What?! 

Several opening acts went live, including pop sensation, kid-Hawaiian prodigy Aidan James with his ukulele. He played U2's "All I Want is You" at the opening...

Hawaii Five-O was interesting. The antagonist was the host of Iron Chef (a fave of ours) but he wasn't present at the premiere. Bummer. Groups of people would start cheering in the most random and inappropriate parts of the episode (i.e. murder scene), so we knew there was an "extra" in our presence. 

Are you an avid TV watcher... what's your favorite show?

Our top faves are: Parks & Rec, Duck Dynasty (I guess it's a southern thing), Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Parenthood, and The Office

However, we are heavily considering getting rid of cable in December. 

What are your thoughts on TV? 

A waste of time or a way to relate to the community around you?

Hawaii : Aloha Flea Market, the Wonderskirt & a Vintage Scarf

Welcome to the Aloha Flea Market (aka Swap Meet @Aloha Stadium).

One word: DEALS.

When I hear the words "flea market," "antique market," or "thrift store".... I'm there. Fortunately, my husband enjoys these things too. {sigh of relief}

The Aloha Swap Meet is fairly different from most markets.

Mostly because some of the tents sell coconuts. The vendor chops the nib right off the top, gives you a straw and you drink up. Mmm! Fresh coconut juice. Refreshing.

Vendors set up booths around the entire perimeter of the University of Hawaii's Aloha Stadium. The Swap Meet is the prime spot for all things cheap, Hawaiian souvenirs - and some


not-so-cheap stuff too. Do not hesitate in making negotiations with the vendors.

Here are a few things we bought....

A wonderskirt.

This thing is a.maz.ing!!! There are like 100+ ways you can wear it, plus it was only $15. You better believe I wore it on the plane ride home. It was the most comfortable plane attire I've ever worn. And it was cute. No more sweatpants for this girl!!

JD picked out a few goodies from the farm booth...

chipotle ranch dressing, coconut peanut butter, and pecans

. We also got him a few

Hawaiian button-down shirts

for his Casual Friday work attire. Does he wear one every Friday? Yes. He most certainly does. And he sports each one like a champ. 

A vintage scarf. 

I was super pumped to try it out for the first time. As soon as we got home, I bobby-pinned my hair, twisted the scarf and did a little up-do. My inspiration was from Pinterest via 

Girl Obsessed

. Her blog is filled with amazing fashion, so check it out. :)

So, readers, we (mostly I, Whitney) would like to know:

Do you love flea markets, thrift stores, antique markets? 

What is your most favorite find?

Do you wear vintage scarves? Which way do you sport it?

Hawaii : Makapu'u Lighthouse of Oahu / Adventure Is Out There!

After our spontaneous adventure, we continued on our hike up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse. 

There is no way this lighthouse could ever be hidden. It's a pretty clear picture of Matthew 5:14-16.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." 

Isn't it beautiful...

The entire path lasts about two miles. Apparently, it is the prime spot for whale-watching on the island from December to April. Maybe we'll get the opportunity to see the migration one season!

In the meantime, the lighthouse proves to be a fantastic sight to behold for now.

Do you see the white fence that leads to the lighthouse? 

Well, we found it and tried to follow the trail. Instead, an electric, locked fence denied us of entering. 


We explored a few more paths along the way. As I was taking more photos of the lighthouse, JD was being adventurous. A little tooooo adventurous for my taste.

My heart practically beat out of my choice when I turned around and saw JD sitting on this rock (aka the top, outermost point of a 500-ft cliff). I took a few photos as I walked closer to him (in a quiet panic) and asked him gently to please get off of that rock before the wind blows him off. 

In my defense, it was insanely windy. 

Whew. Fortunately, he somehow maneuvered a safe dismount and we got some incredible photos from it. Just looking at this photo makes me queasy. Haha! I really wish I had the boldness for adventure that he has. Gosh, he's awesome.

We hiked several more of the trails and headed back to the parking lot. The ole' Subes was awaiting our arrival. We couldn't have asked for a more fitting rental car than a Subaru. Have you seen those commercials!? The commercials alone make an adventure-seeker want to drive one.

If you decide to take a stroll to the lighthouse, check out the other paths but be careful. Most people were only walking the paved road to the lighthouse. They missed the adventures hidden among the off-course dirt paths. As we were walking, JD said, "Life is really what you make of it." I replied with, "Adventure is out there!!" 

Have you ever been on an adventure (physical, emotional or mental) that challenged you?? Was it worth the risk?

Hawaii : A Stroll Down the Danger Zone.

Linking up with Molly & Carly for #YOLOMondays! We felt this was, certainly, the most fitting post for "You Only Live Once."

We packed our backpack for the not-so-strenuous 2-mile paved road hike to the lighthouse. About half-way up, we stopped at this ledge to take a photo or two. We thought it would be a boring hike until we saw "DANGER" signs and found a steep off-road path to the Pacific Ocean, tidal pools and blowholes down the mountain.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Please check out this view. THIS is what we saw when we looked down...

Of course, JD started venturing down and I scurried behind.

We walked slowly and steadily down the mountain. 

As far as I'm concerned, we were borderline-bouldering at some points of our hike.

JD walked ahead of me, smiles and all.

Until we got further down the mountain... obviously, he went into protective husband mode as the path turned a little more treacherous. 

"Whoa. Be careful, Whitney." 

He worries about me sometimes. I am terribly clumsy.

I thought, for sure, I was going to slip on a loose rock and tumble into the sea. 

But I didn't.

I like to think that I'm incredibly brave, but when it comes down to it... I'm not. 

Fortunately, this barrier in my life has been gently broken down by a sweet husband who reminds me that the Lord is our strength and our shield. Then again, Christ has given JD the blessing and tough task of protecting me as much as humanly possible.

Very few people followed us on the path and we only met one guy on the way down. He had gone down about halfway before he decided to turn around and head back up. It gets pretty steep towards the bottom so he made a wise decision to not walk down further by himself. He encouraged us to continue on since we had each other in case something happened to one of us.

And it was the most incredible thing we've seen. 


We had never seen a blowhole up to this point. To say that we were mesmerized, would be an understatement. JD had a lot of fun standing between the two blowholes and directing the water as if he were Poseidon. He was victorious in playing that role. 




Gazing out at the endless sea.

What more can a couple of newlyweds ask for?

We have found that the best moments are those you just happen to stumble upon; in the words of Robert Frost, they are most often experienced on the road less traveled.

I hate to think that I would've missed out on all of that beauty because of fear. I'm forever thankful for a husband who challenges me and believes in me. He knows my limits and he recognizes my potential.

Who do you feel challenges you and believes in your potential the most?