Hawaii : Aloha Flea Market, the Wonderskirt & a Vintage Scarf

Welcome to the Aloha Flea Market (aka Swap Meet @Aloha Stadium).

One word: DEALS.

When I hear the words "flea market," "antique market," or "thrift store".... I'm there. Fortunately, my husband enjoys these things too. {sigh of relief}

The Aloha Swap Meet is fairly different from most markets.

Mostly because some of the tents sell coconuts. The vendor chops the nib right off the top, gives you a straw and you drink up. Mmm! Fresh coconut juice. Refreshing.

Vendors set up booths around the entire perimeter of the University of Hawaii's Aloha Stadium. The Swap Meet is the prime spot for all things cheap, Hawaiian souvenirs - and some


not-so-cheap stuff too. Do not hesitate in making negotiations with the vendors.

Here are a few things we bought....

A wonderskirt.

This thing is a.maz.ing!!! There are like 100+ ways you can wear it, plus it was only $15. You better believe I wore it on the plane ride home. It was the most comfortable plane attire I've ever worn. And it was cute. No more sweatpants for this girl!!

JD picked out a few goodies from the farm booth...

chipotle ranch dressing, coconut peanut butter, and pecans

. We also got him a few

Hawaiian button-down shirts

for his Casual Friday work attire. Does he wear one every Friday? Yes. He most certainly does. And he sports each one like a champ. 

A vintage scarf. 

I was super pumped to try it out for the first time. As soon as we got home, I bobby-pinned my hair, twisted the scarf and did a little up-do. My inspiration was from Pinterest via 

Girl Obsessed

. Her blog is filled with amazing fashion, so check it out. :)

So, readers, we (mostly I, Whitney) would like to know:

Do you love flea markets, thrift stores, antique markets? 

What is your most favorite find?

Do you wear vintage scarves? Which way do you sport it?