Our Honeymoon Part 2

We just have to say it... It has been so awesome having our friends and family telling us how much you all enjoy our blog. :) Thank you for the encouragement there. We really just started out doing it because we enjoy it (which we still do of course), but it's so exciting to know that people actually enjoy watching our videos too. So, we send our greatest thanks to you.

Also, we have put together our Part 2 of the Honeymoon Video. It's definitely nowhere as awesome as Part 3, but we have to keep your toes on the edge somehow, right? Kudos to everyone who liked JD's haircut. I (Whit) tried to fix it several times this weekend but he said it just wasn't the way Alli fixed it. So he would take his fingers through his hair a couple of times, and BAM. There is was. Just like Alli did it. Haha - I'm okay with that, I suppose. She is a professional after all... But I think he's becoming a professional too, and that makes me a little sad simply because I enjoy playing with his hair. Hopefully I'll become the pro soon too. :/

Finally, the funeral service for Grandma Moon was beautiful yesterday. It felt weird smiling so much at a funeral, but we know she is in the presence of the ALMIGHTY KING!! What's not to smile, or to envy, about that??

I got a little sick yesterday from dehydration but I'm trying to get my energy up and going today... and I learned just how much more amazing my husband is because of the gentle way he took care of me. Not many men will rub your back while you're dry heaving over a toilet. I mean, come on!! He loves me like no other and I am truly beyond blessed. :)

Oh yea, and here's the new vid! ENJOY!!

Honeymoon Part 2 from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.

Song choice: Your Hand in Mine - Explosions in the Sky
(we're going to do a better job with posting the song names from the vids.)