
Vu [vyoo]

n. a brief video update from Whitney and JD; in other words, speaking from the perspective of a newlywed couple.

Vu 1 - July 27 from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.

JD and I were pondering over the question, "Hey, when are you gonna settle down?" Of course, most people think we have settled down... because we fit the status of settling down simply by getting married. We have come to the conclusion that the phrase "to settle down" is insane for young married couples such as us. On the contrary, we are so far from settled down!! Surprisingly enough, we love that. It is easy to complain about the travel time but to be honest, we absolutely love spending that time talking in the car (sometimes I fall asleep) and visiting our friends and family.

PS: Honeymoon Part 3 will be up tomorrow!! :) Have a magnificent night!