New Friends, Splash Mountain, Eatonton & Debit Cards

In honor of receiving our new debit cards from our local Eatonton bank that have pictures of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and Brer Bear adorning them... we wanted to share with you a pretty cool history lesson. You might remember Splash Mountain at Disney World, the movie "Song of the South", the song "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" or maybe even The Uncle Remus stories your mom read to you in bed at a young age. Surprisingly enough, all of these derived in some form or another from an author that lived in Eatonton, Ga.

On July 20, 1879 an undersized thirty-year-old journalist from Atlanta known as Joe Harris began a journey from relative obscurity to interregional fame. On that day, the Atlanta Constitution published the young copy editor's "Story of Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Fox as told by Uncle Remus." Within months, magazines across the country were reprinting his tales, and after more than 1,000 written requests for a collection, the first Uncle Remus book was published in November, 1880.
[Taken from the Uncle Remus website.]
JD and I have yet to visit the Uncle Remus museum but we hope to very soon! When we do, you better believe we'll be posting a video about it. :) We're also hoping to visit Dubble Bubble acres in Madison soon too.

In the meantime, here's our video footage from the Taste of Eatonton, an introduction to our little town and to our new friends John and Robyn.

Also, Brandon and Theresa's wedding was AMAZING this weekend in Tupelo, Mississippi. It is so beautiful when two believers come together as one in the name of Christ. Gosh, we love marriage and all that it entails.

Music Choice: She Knows Her Way Around by Act of Congress
*We used this song because this was John & Robyn's first dance song at their wedding. :)