Weekend Update

We've had very busy weekends!! JD went to Tupelo for his soon-to-be brother-in-love's bachelor party weekend (it was tame, don't worry) and I stayed in Georgia to host Theresa's (JD's sister) bachelorette party weekend at All Fired Up in Atlanta. I made some His and Hers "mocha mugs." :) We both had amazing weekends but prior to the weekend, we were DREADING it because of the mere fact that this past weekend set the date of the first night we spent apart from each other since May 29. Ugh. I thought that I would be tossing and turning all night with nightmares, but the Lord really saw me through it and instead gave me some pretty pleasant dreams. (If you don't know me very well, I have a tendency to have some pretty vivid nightmares so it's not out of the norm.) Gosh, it was such a joy to see him drive up last night. Fortunately, I had some chocolate covered cheesecake and strawberries left over from Theresa's party so we celebrated our return into each other's arms with some delicious dessert!

If you're married, do you remember the first night you spent away from your spouse and all of the emotions you experienced? If so, we'd love to see a comment from you below. :)

Thankfully, I stayed at my parents' home Friday night so I wasn't completely alone. I would have had a terrible time sleeping at the cabin by myself. Why, you ask? The blinds probably would've fallen down and I wouldn't have been able to get them back up... just like this video.

Falling Blinds from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.

In other news, prayer is immensely powerful. Thank you for all of your sweet prayers for my grandparents. Papa is still in the hospital but we're hoping that he will be coming home this week. Please, please continue to be praying for them. They need A LOT of rest!!