Brains? Hearts? MAD SCIENTISTS??

This post is incredibly belated but it is well worth the wait! We would like to introduce you to the infamous Adams Halloween House. If there were neighborhood awards for the most loved and most feared house, my parents would take the prize. Christmas, of course, beats out all of the holidays; but Halloween follows in a close second.

This year's theme screamed Mad Scientist!! I dressed up as a scary nurse, JD dressed up as "Docter Docter" (disregard the misspelling) and dad dressed up as "Doctor Trust Me". I made the lab coats from a Queen bed sheet and staples. :) We actually got a lot of the decorations from WalMart and dad came up with the idea of the bubbling cauldron.

Enjoy the Mad Lab! We have two other video posts following this one with some more Halloween clips this week... and then we're off to our Thanksgiving and Christmas posts. Hopefully we'll have those posted by the end of December!