And you were wondering how it all began...?

OK... I admit, we have been a bit behind on editing videos and posting them up on our awesome blog. We've surprisingly had a lot going on though! We realized the other day that we had not posted any content about how we met... so for all of you romantics out there, this should satisfy any existing cravings you have for a love story (and it will give some of you hope that love does happen when you least expect it):

Our journey began in a small classroom of about 100 students at Auburn University’s Lowder Building of Business…

JD, the graduate teaching assistant for my [Whitney] Management class, walked into Room #19 to pass out quizzes. As soon as class was dismissed, I immediately called my five closest friends and said, “Wow. I have just seen the most attractive man in my life.”

I honestly thought this guy would be a complete jerk because no guy that looks THAT attractive could have it all together... or even be nice.

A few weeks later, I was sitting in Cambridge Coffee talking with Laura Oliver and JD’s friend, Brandon Eidson. All of the sudden, a fluffy-headed hunk of meat pulled out the chair at Brandon’s table and sat down. He looked over at my Mac and saw Facebook open on my desktop. “Hey. Nice profile pic,” said the guy with the Pac-man shirt on.

He was referring to this awesome pic that my brother took.

I giggled and said, “Well, I’ll have to add you as a friend so you can look at it anytime you want.” And that’s where it all began.

A few days later, JD walked into the classroom again to pass out more quizzes. I of course shouted, “Hey JD!” from the middle of the 100-student classroom. He smiled back with a “hey Whitney” and waved. My professor handed me the quiz and whispered, “How do you know him? You have my approval! He is such an intelligent and well-mannered gentleman… and so handsome!” I giggled as the professor walked away. Weeks went by as we passed in small conversations at Cambridge, JD continually challenging me to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The Thursday before Chase [my brother] proposed to Jackie in late April we finally played the game… JD dominated the game, but I dominated his heart. :)

Final exams arrived. I stayed in Auburn but JD departed from the loveliest village on the plains to spend a few weeks with his family only to come back for five days to complete his certifications for his master’s degree. Our first date was exactly one year ago from our wedding day {May 29, 2009}. We went to see the movie Up, cooked for each other and laughed uncontrollably – nothing short from what our relationship is now. Four months later, he proposed… and the rest is history.