The Big Move.

As the majority of you know, we have finally made the move to Huntsville!! Originally, when we realized that the out-of-country mission field wasn't exactly available to us in the first year of marriage, we went to option #2... we wanted to live in Huntsville. Obviously, that didn't work out in our plans either so we stayed close to my (Whit's) family in Eatonton. Little did we know at that time, the little town of Eatonton would wiggle its way into our hearts and find a place to settle forever.

I traveled back and forth to Lake Oconee my entire life, as that is where my family meets for holidays and gatherings. I never realized the true beauty of the area and the people until I lived there with my sweet husband. We will forever miss the mornings of waking up next to an extraordinary view, living just a few feet from our loving grandparents who constantly let us borrow eggs and milk when we needed it (not to mention everything else they did for us!), working with people that can never be replaced, and dining / gathering with our first married- couple friends - John & Robyn Sutton and Bo & Angie Fowler - for potluck dinners and game nights. To many people's surprise, we will even miss our sweet little bungalow that holds so many memories of mine & JD's firsts as Mr. & Mrs. Todd (i.e. our first snow, the first time I beat a video game, our first time catching a skunk). To everything and everyone we said farewell to, know that you will always be remembered and our times will always be cherished.

We moved to Huntsville because JD was offered a stellar job position, so here we are! We are extremely excited to embark on this adventure together. It has been such a delight thus far. :) However, we do miss our family and friends back in Georgia!

Below is a video full of some lovely tunes by JD and a few memories from Lake Oconee. (Don't let the short line from Eatonton to Huntsville deceive you... it is at least a 5-hour drive.)

Huntsville Bound from Whitney Todd on Vimeo.