Reel Time Thursday

We figured it was time to share some happenings of Jitney in real time by busting out a few recent reels of photos (oh yeah - we just pulled out the play on words). 

We've had some pretty cool stuff going on, but no worries - we'll get back to posting about Israel again soon. Gosh, this time-sensitive info sharing is tough stuff.

On the day of pinching each other and singing ole' Irish songs (St. Patty's Day), we got to help build this awesome ramp for a family in Huntsville. We worked with an organization called CASA of Madison County
Mission Statement: Care Assurance System for the Aging and Homebound is a non-profit agency located in Huntsville, Alabama that provides services to individuals age 60 and older and to the homebound (wheelchair and bed bound) of all ages. Our programs are designed to enable the elderly and homebound to maintain their independence, dignity, health and safety by providing services that specifically address their special physical and emotional needs. 
JD was offered the opportunity through his job. Like most of the time, I tagged along. :) You just can't beat working for a group of people who want to serve the community!

PS: Can you believe this team built the spectacular ramp in only a few hours? 

OH! And if you're concerned that we didn't celebrate St. Patrick's Day... don't worry. I took some advice on a date night from The Dating Divas. Their site is the go-to place for all things dating!! And yes, we strongly advocate dating your spouse after the wedding day on a VERY consistent basis (we celebrate Date Night once a week). 

We realize it's a little late, but what did you do for St. Patrick's Day? Any luck of the Irish come your way?