We Have No Choice but to Laugh in the Face of Unfortunate Events...

This week has been a super big week for us... not just because I went home to spend a few days with my family but mainly because JD and I were apart for four entire days and worse - three entire nights!! To some of you, this may not be a big deal - but it kind of shatters our hearts.

However, I was incredibly proud of my husband because every time we would chat via FaceTime (thank you Apple), a neatly made bed and clean apartment stood proudly behind him in the background. THAT is a good husband.

Ask us about our Google+ Hangout story the next time we see you (or you can email us). It went down in the Todd Family Book as the most embarrassing story yet. ;)

JD took me on a special date night to Landry's Seafood in Huntsville the night before I left for Atlanta. The prices there are pretty stinkin' ridiculous for the quality of food (not in the best way) but we were loving the Seafood Stuffed Jalapenos! 

I flew out of Huntsville and arrived in Atlanta Tuesday morning. 
Thank you, Delta SkyMiles.

Mom and I drove to Nordstrom Rack (oh yes!). 
I spent way too much money on clothes (oh no...).

I immediately sent a text to JD saying, "The charge was from Nordstrom. Fashion Show tonight via Google+. We'll decide what we need to take back." 
(If you haven't figured it out yet, this may or may not have a huge connection to our embarrassing moment...)

I must add here that we have bought maybe three or four articles of clothing since we've been married (celebrating our two years in May) so it would make sense to have a shopping spree... but we would rather distribute our money elsewhere. Nordstrom Rack just has such awesome deals though. Ugh. The battle. 

Side Note: I went today to take back some things. We cannot let our desires control us unless they are desires for good (clothes are definitely good, but not if we don't truly need them). RepeatWe cannot let our desires control us unless they are desires for good. Haha

Back to Tuesday's Pre-Catastrophic Events...

We had lunch with our precious friends Terri and Brittany Thurmond at O'Charleys.

I met dad at the mall for our daddy / daughter date. 
Going to see The Hunger Games (for a second time).

Twenty minutes into the movie, we feel our phones vibrating. 
Mom is calling. 
But she knows we're in the movie. 
Something must be wrong. 

Dad walks outside of the theater to call and check on her. She had gone to Publix, bought groceries, walked back to her car and it wouldn't start.

She's stranded.

 Nobody stopped to help her even though her hood was up and she was standing at her car. Two employees from Publix walk outside to help jump her car off but the manager told them they needed to go back to work. 
Customer Loyalty at its finest, I suppose. 
So dad and I jetted out of the movie and headed to Publix.

The sky went from cloudless to dark gray within minutes. 
Rain turned to hail and hail turned to loss of electricity in the stoplights. 

Mom's roast, eggs and milk will soon turn sour if we don't arrive soon. 
She leaves the car to get cold bags to store her food in. 

Forty-five minutes to an hour later, we arrive. 

No jumper cables. 

What? My dad is the absolute most prepared man I know. He taught me how to build a squirrel snare. He packed us a Go Bag in the case of disaster. No jumper cables? This is the most unusual day...

He drives to Target to get a new battery for mom's car. 

Oh. Target doesn't sell car batteries. 

He buys jumper cables instead. 

As it's charging, a man walks out of Publix and asks if we needed extra jumper cables. Why didn't he stop when he was walking into Publix when we didn't even have jumper cables attached... or jumper cables at all?

We finally jump off the car and drive to the house for the first time since I've been in Georgia.

That's where the photo on the bottom left of the montage above comes in... Dinner at the Japanese restaurant with my parents in Monroe. There was this awesome four-year-old little boy sitting at the hibachi table who entertained us more than the chef could even attempt. It was a special time that we adored. We hated JD couldn't be there with us.

 But JD and I talked on Google+ an hour later. Thus enters our embarrassing moment in which I will refrain from sharing via blog post.

This may have been the oddest day I've experienced in quite some time... but it made for the memory of a lifetime. 

And finally, the photo on the bottom right. This is Emmy. She and I have been best friends since we were two years old. In our childhood years, we did everything together - took dance classes, devoured mint chocolate chip ice cream in the wee hours of the night (i.e. 7 pm), performed in musicals (both on stage and in front of our home mirrors), fought over which Hanson brother we wanted to date and had the sweetest little tea parties that any little girl would dream of. 

Have I mentioned that I am infinitely grateful that God sent JD for me and Brian for Emmy as husbands instead of a Hanson brother?

She's getting married in August to a guy she has been dating for seven years (high school sweethearts) and came to visit for some wedding planning fun!! Her mother (one of mom's closest friends) and her sister-in-law joined us as well. 

JD and I have been blessed with some amazing long-term friends. We couldn't be more thankful for the friends we've made and those we've kept up with throughout the years!!

Stay tuned next week for a glimpse into my trip with my parents. Antiquing Finds and a Magical Garden Adventure....