Grab Your Lefty Scissors, Suitcase and Raccoon Hat...

One thing you may not know about us is... JD and I LOVE movies. 

It's kind of ridiculous. 

We get super pumped about in-flight movies and we are regulars at Redbox (and subscribers to Netflix, of course). 

Our favorite is going to the theater though. Isn't it wonderful? Get a tub of high calorie popcorn, a large souvenir cup filled with Coca-Cola to split and a full cup of popcorn salt (which we secretly take some home and stash for our personal collection sometimes).  

Our most recent matinee trip was to see Moonrise Kingdom...

This movie made me want to pack up a pair of lefty scissors, a few good books, binoculars and an old portable record player straight into my vintage suitcase. 

Of course, I would sneak away to a lonely, beautiful canal with my sweet husband as he wore a super cool raccoon hat and swung a his camping bag filled with survival materials over his shoulders.

Check out the trailer below...

Moonrise Kingdom was phenomenal. We highly recommend it!

We're going to see The Dark Knight this afternoon. JD gets so excited during the commercial preview on TV that I go silent mid-sentence (he tunes everything out during those 30 seconds). 

Have you seen Moonrise Kingdom yet? What did you think??