Need Glasses? Fall in love with Warby Parker.

Ok - so we're not sure what happened... but out of nowhere, we've been slam-packed with Etsy orders this week and it has been AWESOME!! We are just lovin' this new shop and interacting with all of our delightful customers. :)

Yet, in the midst of our busyness, we have neglected our blog this week. Not cool. So, we wanted to share just a super quick blurb about a product we LOVE! This is not a sponsorship; it is a sincere confession of a product I (Whitney) have fallen in love with... Warby Parker. 

After paying over $200 to replace lenses in a pair of frames I had for five years, only to have the frames damaged when the lenses were replaced with a stronger prescription, I decided I had to find a different route. (Do the math... if I had bought a $300 pair of frames with new lenses, it would've been around $500. Who would want to pay for that!?)

I was flipping through my Whole Living magazine and saw an advertisement for Warby Parker with the coolest frames I've ever seen. They remind me of Zooey Deschanel's style which is super cool. AND the ones I ordered are big and practical (I can finally see in every direction).

Little did I know, Warby Parker has a Home Try-On program. You pick five frames from the site. They ship them to you (free shipping both ways). 

You have five days to try them on, model them for all of your friends and post some photos on their FB site (if you'd like). 

These are a few pics I sent to JD while he was at work.

Send them all back. Tell them which one you want (or do the home try-on program again). And boom. $95 later, you have brand new, super awesome frames and lenses sitting in your mailbox. Yes. Only $95 for frames AND lenses. There's no better deal than that, right?

Seriously people. THIS is the place to buy glasses the next time your prescription changes! (I waited five years before buying a new pair and now I want to buy 10 more because their frames are so stinkin' awesome.)

Have you ever bought a pair of Warby Parker glasses? Which kind did you get and DO YOU LOVE THEM?!

Also, I'll be contacting Ruthy, Lindsy, April and Leslie about the Jitney CDs because you are ALL getting a copy!!!