Down Syndrome & Long Post Office Lines

This morning I went to the post office bright and early.

Ok - not that early. It was 8:25 a.m. but the post office doesn't open the teller windows until 8:30 on the dot.

So I thought, "I'll be the first in line. No problem."


There were seven people standing in front of me. All of them had been waiting for quite a while. 

You would think everyone would be super perturbed and anxious, but they weren't.

You see, there was a special joy to the room. 

A teenage girl with down syndrome stood in the middle of the line nuzzled up to her mom. 

All of the sudden, she just started giggling. 

Not about anything particular, just giggling.

One of the women in front of her smiled and said, "Looks like somebody has the giggles this morning!"

That girl's laughter caught on like wildfire. 

I can't say that I have ever been in the midst of such a joyful morning surrounded by other people - strangers, at that. All nine of us, standing in line at a dimly-lit post office with Christmas packages in hand, giggling. 

Not about anything particular, just giggling.

And y'all... in that instant, the Lord broke me. It took everything within me to hold in tears. It was the most amazing moment. The Spirit of the Lord reigned in that post office this morning and I was so honored to stand in the presence of an engulfing spirit of joy. 

Strangers. United by laughter at 8:26 in the morning. It's something you see in a movie, but never realize the gravity that is lifted within that moment. 

So my challenge to you on this Friday is to laugh. Allow the Spirit of the Lord to overwhelm your heart to the point of laughter. To the point of sheer joy. To the point where the light of Christ radiates through a dimly-lit room and penetrates those around you. Because God is that good. And because when we know the love of Christ, we can't help but spread the news like wildfire.