Christmas Flash Mob

You may have already seen this video, but we just had to share it. The co-op group watched it yesterday during worship and I admittedly shed a number of tears.

Maybe it was the amazing voices of the carolers...

Maybe it was the onlookers who stopped to take in the essence of the flash mob...

Maybe it was the location of the main carolers - right beside Santa Clause...

Maybe it was because people dressed up as Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus...

Maybe it was the 100 kids sitting in front of me at homeschool co-op closing their eyes and praising Jesus through song...

Maybe it was the ease of spreading the Gospel to hundreds of people just by singing carols only about Christ...

Or maybe it was the visual of onlookers literally falling on their knees during O Holy Night...

Tears were shed and our hearts were rocked. 

Whether one-by-one or in the masses, let's spread the Gospel as we are consistently called to do. Lives will be touched and seeds planted. And may the Lord claim every ounce of glory received by it.

In other news, we're having some issues with blogspot (i.e. we've ran out of storage for our photo sharing via blog). So, we're working on it but it may take a couple of days before we figure out how to get back on track with it all. :)