New Blog Design & a Valentine's Day Tradition

Happy Valentine's Day!!

This past week has been filled with lots and lots of snow and super exciting moments (and epic fails falls). In the midst of it all, I decided to change up our blog design into a more clean look. I used the amazing free graphics from Hannah at We Lived Happily Ever After. Please stop by her blog, check out the lovely things she creates and show her some love. 

Today will mark mine and JD's fourth Valentine's Day together. While most couples go out to eat, we prefer the traditional eat-in route. This is our menu for the evening:

My good friend Sarah Gill (the best coffee roaster EVER) helped me make this amazing meal before JD and I had our first non-date date on May 29th of 2009 in Auburn. JD and I ended up cooking together (starting around 5 pm) and didn't finish cooking it until around 10 pm. We had a few minor issues like burning potatoes, peppers and zucchini that almost caught on fire, and undercooked brownies. We were obviously still chefs-in-practice. But it ended up being absolutely scrumptious.

In celebration of that first meal, we've made it every Valentine's Day since. AND in keeping with tradition, we set up our ironing board and place a candle and flower arrangement on top. So romantic, we know. Kind of takes you back to the days of The Little Rascals and we're totally okay with that. 

So while we're enjoying dinner by candlelight on an ironing board, we'd love to hear what your plans are on this holiday of love...