Todd Happenings : Two-Week Recap

Things have been pretty crazy around the Todd Nest the past two weeks. The big snow storm hit last week and JD got to take three days off his day job work (but we still had to hit the Jitney studio pretty hard). 

Readers from more up north probably think we're crazy. But it's a rarity that we get snow, especially this much...

The majority of our neighborhood gathered together and walked up to the golf course for the best sledding hill close to us.  

The kids were ecstatic (until they were too cold to play) but I think the adults had the most fun. The men went into full combat mode during several snowball fights while the women settled for speeding down the slippery slopes. 

A few of us couples had downhill races...

JD left me in his snow dust during our downhill sled race. I asked for a head start, which I obviously needed.

Face full of snow dust.

And then the sun came out and we steadily went back to work.

Fast forward to Monday...

February 17th marked this handsome man's 29th birthday!! Whoop whoop!

Gosh, is he a stud or what?! 

While I'd love to spare you the sappy sentiments, I simply cannot.

Ode to JD:
You are the laughter that wakes me in the sleepy mornings
and still, the sweet laughter that sings me to sleep.
In fact, you always make me laugh,
except for the times we're being serious, 
in which you're instead the epitome of a deeply pensive thought.
Your intelligence baffles me. 
You love books and movies.
Moreover, you love correlating movies and books to scripture.
Even with the most ridiculous of movies, you can relate it to the Gospel.
How do you do that with such ease?
I'll quickly admit that I'm often wrong in our heaviest of arguments.
And when I'm right, you're quick to express your faults.
Even in our arguments,
you stay cool-headed and soft-tempered.
You ensure that our disagreements are solved at length and with boundless grace.
You also aim to resolve them quickly 
so that we can bask in the joys of loving each other more deeply.
You're the greatest travel companion ever
and I love exploring this world with you.
You are hands-down my most favorite dance partner,
whether in the kitchen or throughout life, in general.
Your leadership is strong and zealous.
I love walking through God's Word with you on an eveningly basis 
and throughout our conversations. 
I love your heart for people.
I love your heart for our friends.
I love your heart for our family.
I love your heart for your wife.
I love your heart for Christ.

I love you.
And I can't wait to throw you a surprise 30th birthday party.

--> Also, our house has been taken over by ladybugs. Any suggestions for repellants?